Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Woke up this morning and decided it's time for that dreaded number one on the priority To Do list...budget my bills.

Ugh. Even after all these years of being an adult...it doesn't seem to get any easier to be responsible with money. Don't you get the urge to say fuck it and go blow all your money on candy, pizza, and games sometimes? 

I don't think I'll ever really grow up. I just want toys and junk food all the time. Maybe it's just a metaphor for what we all really want...happiness. When you're a kid it seems so easy. All you need is some entertainment and a full belly and tah dah! Happiness. Maybe that's why as an adult (I use that term lightly) I still want to be irreparably irresponsible about my finances.

I get paid once a month, for reasons I won't go into detail over, and life is pretty simple for the 2-3 weeks remaining but once the groceries run out and the collectors start calling...my God, does it get hard to keep it together. 

I've thought about being responsible and consolidating my debt. Calling collectors and asking them to make me an offer. Did you know, that they are authorized to lower your total bill in order to get a settlement? Sometimes at a fraction of what you owe. That's how consolidation companies work. They call your creditors for you, ask for a settlement in writing, and wait for the letter in the mail confirming the agreement. If the mail doesn't come in 30 days, they can write off the debt from your credit as invalid. If they do get the letter, they pay the amount of the lowered settlement and charge you a monthly fee for a higher amount. It's a win-win for them but you can probably just do it yourself. 

Now, don't quote me on any of this of course, my information is from about 8 years ago so things may have changed since then and I'm not licensed or educated in these matters. I'd google it if you're interested in more info. If you find out more, feel free to comment and let my readers know more. I'm too stressed from writing out my budget and depressed by it to research more right now. 

I've known this for years and I still don't know why I don't just do it myself. Maybe it's the rebel inside me saying, "We shouldn't have to pay debts to creditors who steal our souls at an age when we don't know any better! This capitalist society is bullshit!".....or maybe I'm just lazy and avoiding the anxiety and depression that I feel would bombard me when trying to call and haggle with all those people. 

Someday I might get around to it. 

P.S. sorry about all the swearing. 

Thanks for reading.
Mery Ann

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