I woke up this morning with a lighter attitude than I've had in a long time and I swear it helped me have better luck finding mob spawners (aka Dungeons) on Minecraft (lol). In a tradition which is classically "Panda", I'm sharing the luck and love with you guys! I will be listing seed numbers and the exact coordinates of where to find dungeons below.
So if you're a Minecrafter on the Xbox 360, check out these seeds and dungeons and you will definitely prosper! I also added some coordinates for mushroom biomes in certain maps too.
If you're a vet of the game, skip down to the yellow section please.
If you're new to Minecraft on the Xbox here's what you'll need to know. The seed is the 'name' of the map. When you begin the game, you will see a menu prompting you to name your new map and pick a seed. If you leave the seed box blank, you will spawn in a completely random map and be able to explore on your own for goodies and dungeons.
Otherwise, if you would like a leg up, you can enter the seed numbers below in yellow to spawn in these maps. Once you spawn, press Y to look at your inventory. There you will have a map which you can use to find the coordinates listed below in green to find the mob spawners/dungeons. Select the map with the A button and put it in one of the slots on the bottom of your inventory. These slots are often called your ' hot bar' and you can put items here that you can quickly cycle through and use by clicking the left and right bumpers on your controller.
Now that you have a map in hand, you should set up your inventory with wood, sticks, coal, pick axes and shovels so that you can begin searching for your mob spawners.
Mob spawners are Cobblestone rooms with Moss cobblestone floors. Inside you will find a cage with a spinning pig (peaceful) or monster (any other setting) that is on fire. Do not break the burning box. Instead cover it in torches to keep monsters from spawning. Later when 4J Studios adds survival mode, you'll be able to make cool spawn traps in these areas.
The best part about Mob Spawners/ Dungeons is that you will generally find one or two chests with lots of goodies inside. Mostly wheat, bread, iron ingots, buckets, gun powder, saddles, etc. If you're REALLY lucky you'll find music disks to play in the jukebox or the even rarer and coveted GOLDEN APPLE!
The golden apple can be eaten to restore health but because of its exclusivity, I recommend leaving it as a collector's item. Hide it for safe keeping.
I hope that helps. Here's the good stuff:
SEED: 888
Dungeon 1 Coordinates:
X: 38 Y: 63 Z: 18
Dungeon 2 Coordinates:
X: 237 Y: 32 Z: -170
This dungeon is under the ocean and therefore you should try and access it from this above ground cave entrance at:
X:171 Y:71 Z:-192
Dungeon 3 Coordinates:
X: -105 Y: 80 Z: -355
Dungeon 4 Coordinates:
X: -230 Y: 74 Z: -148
Red: X: -377 Y: 40 Z: -64
Brown: X: -347 Y: 41 Z:-70
SEED: 2415595968
Dungeon 1 Coordinates:
X: -218 Y: 57 Z: 332
Dungeon 2 Coordinates:
X: -218 Y: 39 Z: 311
Dungeon 3 Coordinates:
X: -128 Y: 26 Z: 328
Very Rich Mine:
X: 63 Y: 60 Z: 281
X: -64 Y: 37 Z: 270
SEED: 3404921817941437020
Dungeon 1 Coordinates:
X: -295 Y: 59 Z: 280
Dungeon 2 Coordinates:
X: -410 Y: 50 Z: 19
Dungeon 3 Coordinates:
X: -386 Y: 27 Z: -32
That's all for now friends but stay tuned for more Minecraft on 360 fun and info. Here's a picture of an awesome nerdy Spongebob that my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Stacey (gamertag Sp0nG3BOoB) made!
Thanks for reading!
Mery Ann