So many new things are happening in my world lately, I can hardly keep up! I'm really sorry I haven't been blogging as much but I will definitely be making up for lost time. :)
I'm super proud and excited to tell you guys that I am now the Gaming Correspondent and newest cohost to the blog talk radio station, The Geek Supremacy!
Please click this link and like us on Facebook:
The Geek Supremacy Project
We cover all things Geek! from movies, comics, tv, to video games and music so definitely check us out. :) We've been discussing doing a vlog or video podcast as well and although I'm nervous as all hell about it, I'm leaning towards yes.
I know I'll get a lot of flack from some viewers for being a big girl but I don't think I'll let it get to me. I recently came across a tv show and magazine about plus sized (actual plus sized not that 'real size' bullshit the mainstream media want us to swallow) models and I think if I weren't so short, or agoraphobic, I'd seriously consider trying out some modeling. Holy shit balls, just thinking about that makes me anxious. SHEESH! Moving on!
In crochet news, I have been designing some super geek chic apparel for our noggins. From Skyrim Iron Helm hats to super hero beanies! Get ready to gear up geek style soon! If you can't wait for me to stumble upon the hat you want, be sure to request a custom made hat for yourself on my etsy shop. It's easy! You click it, send me a note of what you want and I create it for you! Prices are discussed and paid for up front and the turn around time is usually 7-10 business days but I can usually do it in less time.
Click the link below and then Request Custom Item on the bottom left hand side menu:
Cool Beans and Things Etsy Shop
Most of us are eagerly awaiting the release of some huge games this year such as Assassin's Creed III, Halo 4, and Black Ops 2 and the wait is getting shorter folks. I want to give you guys a heads up on an all new FREE TO PLAY (yes, FREE!) game on Xbox Live.
The new and improved dashboard came with some impressive add ons such as Internet Explorer and all new Xbox Music, but a little known new program came along for the ride where free to play games will also be supported by Xbox Live. The first of many, Happy Wars is a super fun 15 on 15 multiplayer game where tiny little warriors battle it out to destroy the other teams castle. You can choose from a warrior, cleric, and mage class and level your character items with stars won in the game or tickets purchased with Microsoft points.

If you haven't check it out yet my friends, give it a try. There are set times Bonus Time during the day where you get bonus XP and games can be harder to find but there is also a co-op and campaign mode. What better way could there be to 'kill' time then to play a new and free game? Go check it out!
Now for some Minecraft news: First of all I wanted to showcase some of my newest Minecraft creations with you guys. Since the 1.8.2 update hit Xbox we now have CREATIVE MODE and UGH! Where have you been all my life? As if flying around and running super fast aren't awesome enough, the creative mode menu is a miracle and so easy to use!
My one and only gripe is that the water and lava buckets don't automatically refill and there's no shortcut to delete something from your hot bar. Some people opt to make a lava pit garbage disposal nearby or select the item in the menu then back out to make it disappear. There should be an easier way to do that though.
Now, everyone knows that Pandaland was a huge endeavor for my friends and I and there was a lot of compliments and criticism for it from the gaming community. This time around, I'm really spreading my creative juices allll over Minecraft's face!
I decided to do not one, but 4 parks in an all new, super huge PANDA WORLD! So far we've done the main entrance, a candy shop, a souvenir shop, the 4 park entrances, and 3 rides for the Water Park (still needs to be named). I am showing these pics to my blog readers EXCLUSIVELY!
TAH DAH! The Main Entrance. It even has ticket booths!
Here is the Candy Shop in a Cupcake Building! Those are sliding glass doors beside the cake display case!
The souvenir shop is a giant fish bowl! Inside you'll see nemo 'hangin' around :D Can you see some familiar faces? shhhhhhhh don't say anything! lol
Once you're inside the Water Park, You see this awesome Pirate Ship! Climb aboard with your friends to play a fun round of bumber boats. Break each other's boats and be the last one standing to win! The canon's are dispensers that launch chicken eggs!
Right next door is Winter Wonderland where you can practice your speed skating.
A little further into the Water Park you'll see a pyramid welcoming you to The Nile Lazy River where this gold toothed croc and his palm tree buddies show you a cool time. :)
I want to give a special thank you to my collaborators and awesome friends, Stacey/Sp0nG3BOoB, Josh/K1NG PWNAGE 98, SpartanMacky, Abel/BeastnessisLife, Az/PoP KoRN Xio, Luis/Sneaky Diablo, and Chynna/ DynamicWhisper3. If I missed someone, please forgive me...I'm on this map all day every day and it becomes quite transient. People come and go so often, it's hard to keep track.
In the same breath, I want to thank you all for putting up with my tyrant ways, lol. We all know, if its not perfect, Lady will tear it ALL down and either do it all myself or ask you to change it. I love you all for putting up with my OCD lol. <3
Welp, that's all for now (it was a LOT, I know lol). Tune in for my pre-release review later this week for the upcoming big game release season!
Thanks for reading.
Geek Love,
La Lady Panda