Friday, August 3, 2012

Is anybody out there?

I've been working on this blog for a few weeks now and I don't think I've put enough of myself in it. I am by nature, a writer. My thoughts are driven by analogies, my visions are riddled with adjectives, my words are flourished with verbal scenery. Every time I witness something new or awe inspiring, in my brain I'm working out the most polished and interesting way of describing it, mostly to myself and often to whomever is nearest. 

My closest friends and family know me as, well, a know-it-all. I don't mean that in a negative way mostly but it can have a connotation to it that can sometimes sound distasteful. I take it as a compliment. 

I love teaching. As long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a teacher. One year, after the last day in my fourth grade class, my teacher let me take home the most worn text books to keep. I spent the entire summer playing 'school'. I would set up my bedroom floor as a classroom with teddy bears and baby dolls as students and my poor six year old brother as the only mobile pupil. I would prop up a composition notebook on the frame of my red metal bunk bed and try my best to pretend it was a black board. I taught my 'students' about our solar system, addition, and read to them my favorite Judy Bloom books. We had lunch with pudding snacks and nap time where my brother would run off to play something else usually. 

He was always a good student. I taught him his ABC's on a metal white board with colored plastic magnets. I even remember as a 6 year old being on all fours next to him as he lunged back and forth trying to imitate my crawling. 

Those are some of my fondest memories of my little brother. He taught me just as much as I taught him. His patience and unconditional love have always been a priceless lesson for me. 

If you are out there, and you are reading this, I promise to put a little more of myself in here. I'm an open book and if I do say so myself, it should be interesting to read.

Thanks for reading.
Mery Ann

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